Self-Assessment Scales Based on Psychometric Research. serves as a repository for digital versions of self-assessments grounded in psychometric research by Deen Mohd. The provision of automatic scores for various mental health and personality inventories has been recognized for its ease and time efficiency in accessing and measuring different traits.
Digital Adoption of Psychometric Self-Assessments
Below are the computerized versions of self-assessments adopted from research publications.
Schizoid Personality Test Schizoid Personality quiz is the digital adaptation of (DMSPS-28) which is based on the preliminary version of the research on development and validation of the scale. Participation in this self-assessment quiz is completely anonymous and no data is collected or stored for research purposes. Schizoid personality refers to a person who often prefers staying alone […]
Narcissistic Personality Test Narcissistic Personality Test is a digital adaptation of the Deenz Narcissistic Personality Scale (DNPS-32) used to measure 8 subclinical traits of Narcissistic Personality - Grandiosity, Fantasy, Specialness, Entitlement, Exploitation, Unempathetic, Envy and Arrogance. By assessing these subclinical traits, the scale also attempts to determine whether a person may incline towards Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Anger Test – Do You Have Anger Management Issues Anger test, adapted from the Deenz Anger Response Scale (DARI-24), helps understand attitudes and behaviors related to anger. It focuses on eight key areas often associated with anger management issues- Blaming, Impatience, Defensiveness, Passive-aggressive behaviors, Escalation, Revenge, and Intimidation.
Codependency Test – Do You Have a Codependent Personality? Codependency Test is the computerized version of Deenz Codependency Tendency Scale designed to assess dimensions of personality and pathological characteristics that manifest when a person becomes codependent.
RAADS–R Test – Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale (RAADS-42) RAADS–42 is the shortened version of the RAADS-R (80 items), proven to be a useful clinical tool for assessing Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Scopophobia Test – Do I Have Scopophobia This scopophobia quiz is the computerized version, adopted from Deenz Scopophobia Scale (DSS-18) which is based on the preliminary version of the research paper title “validation and reliability of the short scopophobia scale”. This quiz is NOT designed to make a clinical diagnosis of social anxiety disorder or any other specific phobias. Participation in this […]
Philophobia Test – Fear Of Relationship Commitment Quiz Philophobia quiz has been adopted from the DPS-14 which is the preliminary version of the research on development and validation of the scale. Participation in this quiz is completely anonymous, no personal information is collected but your results are stored only to validate the scale content and reliability. The results collected from this quiz will […]
Atychiphobia Test Atychiphobia quiz is the computerized version of Deenz Atychiphobia scale which is a 21-item questionnaire based on a 10-point scale. It is designed to measure inclination toward Psychopathological features including perfectionism, self-doubt, avoidance, catastrophic thinking, social withdrawal, depressive symptoms, and self-sabotaging behaviors. Results provided by this quiz are intended for educational purposes only. The purpose […]
Nyctophobia Test The purpose of the Deenz Nyctophobia Scale is to assess the severity, discomfort, and impact of symptoms related to nyctophobia. The results provided should not be construed as professional advice and are intended for educational purposes only. In the scholarly investigation titled ‘Darkness facilitates the acoustic startle reflex in humans‘ authored by Grillon, Pellowski, Merikangas, […]
Androphobia Test Androphobia is not listed as a specific phobia but if the symptoms are interfering with daily functioning then addressing and understanding symptoms are vital for personal development and growth. The results provided are intended for educational purposes only. Participation in this quiz is completely anonymous and no data is collected for research purposes.
Anthropophobia Test Anthropophobia quiz is the computerized version of Deenz Anthropophobia Scale (DAS-18) which is the preliminary version of research on the development and validation of the scale. Results provided in this quiz are intended for educational purposes only. Avoidance: Sometimes we need to avoid situations or people who make us uncomfortable. Some people persistently feel so […]
Emotional Abuse Test Emotional abuse test is the digital adaptation of Deenz Emotional Abuse Scale designed to measure emotional abuse by assessing multidimensional aspects and helps determine its impact on overall well-being.
Lost Inner Child Test Lost Inner Child Test helps you measure the depth of your inner child's experience by accessing key dimensions such as overreaction, distrust, perfectionism, self-criticism, restraint, enmeshment, and self-neglect.
Pathological Liar Test Pathological liar test is the digital adaptation of Deenz Pathological Lying scale, used to measure tendencies toward pathological lying.
Moral Alignment Test Moral Alignment Test is designed to assess moral and ethical beliefs on a spectrum by employing Dungeons & Dragons, where characters are assigned alignments based on their moral and ethical tendencies.
Childhood Trauma Test Childhood trauma test is the computerized version of the Deenz Childhood Trauma Scale (DCTS-28), which is a valid and reliable measure for assessing the impact and exposure to childhood trauma.
Sadism Test Sadism test is based on Deenz Sadistic Personality Scale (DSPS-24) which is a brief and valid instrument for measuring the subclinical traits associated with sadistic personality.
Empath Test Have you ever thought about how empathetic you are? Empath test measures the extent to which you can truly share and care about the feelings of others. Based on Deenz Empath Scale (DES-28) which is the valid and reliable instrument used to measure the Empathy Quotient.
Gender Role Test Gender role test is the digital adoption of Deenz Gender Role Scale (DGRS-24) designed to measure beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors regarding societal expectations related to gender.
Dark Triad Test – Dark Triad Personality Scale Dark triad test is the digital adaptation of Deenz Dark Triad Personality Scale (DTPS-33) and is designed to measure tendencies towards socially undesirable traits - Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy.
Dysthymia Test – Persistent Depressive Disorder Self-Assessment Dysthymia test is the digital adaptation of Deenz Persistent Depressive Disorder Scale (PDDS-30©), designed to measure the likelihood of manifestation of persistent depressive disorder traits.
Alexithymia Test Alexithymia test is the digital adaptation of the Deenz Alexithymia Scale (DAS-21©), a self-assessment tool designed to measure tendencies towards alexithymia. The scale consists of 21 statements related to personal life experiences and behavior. For each statement, you need to indicate level of agreement.
Trypophobia Test – Deenz Trypophobia Scale Trypophobia test is the digital adaptation of Deenz Trypophobia Scale © which is widely used screening tool designed to measure the intensity and severity of trypophobia.
Neurodivergent Test – Am I Neurodivergent Neurodivergent test is a digital adaptation of the Deenz Neurodiversity Scale (DNS-32), which measures the likelihood of neurodivergence on a spectrum.
Sexual Orientation Test / Sexuality Test The sexual orientation test is a 12-item psychological assessment scale that helps identify an individual's sexual orientation.
Megalophobia Test This self-assessment can help determine the severity of megalophobia and can help track the treatment progress.
Thalassophobia Test – Do I have Thalassophobia Thalassophobia test can help you measure the impact and severity of symptoms that are considered significant in clinical diagnosis.
Maladaptive Daydreaming Test Maladaptive daydreaming test is the computerized version of Deenz Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (DMDS-26) designed to measure tendencies toward maladaptive daydreaming.
Pooh Pathology Test Pooh pathology test, based on 49 items, can help you identify which Winnie the Pooh character you resemble the most.
Rice Purity Test The Rice Purity Test is a popular screening tool used to measure your innocence or purity. The higher the score you get, the more innocent you are, and the lower the score you get, the naughtier you are.
DAST-23: Drug Abuse Screening Test The DAST-23 is a screening tool used to measure and assess the level of drug abuse. This psychological self-assessment consists of 23 questions related to an individual's life experiences and behavior.
Gender Dysphoria Test Gender Dysphoria Test is the digital adoption of the Deenz Gender Dysphoria Scale (DGDS-25), designed to measure the likelihood or inclination towards Gender Dysphoria.
Body Dysmorphia Test Body dysmorphia test is a digitally adopted version of Deenz Body Dysmorphic Scale (DBDS-20) designed to measure inclination towards body dysmorphic disorder.
Depersonalization-Derealization Test Depersonalization-Derealization test is digital adaptation of Deenz Depersonalization-Derealization Scale (DDDS-20), designed to measure tendencies towards Depersonalization-Derealization by accessing multiple facets.
Kinsey Scale Test The 6-item Kinsey Scale Test is used to measure the degree of sexual attraction and behavior rather than sexual identity or gender identity.
Agoraphobia Test – Do I Have Agoraphobia Agoraphobia test is the digital adaptation of the Deenz Agoraphobia Scale, designed to measure tendencies towards agoraphobia traits and impact on overall well-being.
Anhedonia Test Anhedonia test is the digital adoption of Deenz Multidimensional Anhedonia Scale, designed to measure tendencies, severity, and impact of anhedonia on overall wellbeing.
Agitated Depression Test Agitated depression test is a digitally adapted version of Deenz Agitated Depression Scale, designed to measure tendencies towards agitated depression and impact on overall well-being.
Paranoid Personality Disorder Test Paranoid personality test is the digital adaptation of Deenz Paranoid Personality Scale (DPPS-24) designed to measure subclinical traits associated with paranoid personality.
Difficult Person Test Difficult person test is a self-assessment tool adopted from Difficult Person Scale (DDPS-35) designed to evaluate a person's behavior and characteristics to determine whether the person is easy-going or difficult to get along with.
Avoidant Personality Disorder Test Avoidant Personality Test is the digital adaptation of Deenz Avoidant Personality Scale, designed to measure subclinical traits in non-clinical population. By accessing subclinical traits, It can also help determine whether or not you lean towards Avoidant Personality Disorder.
Histrionic Personality Disorder Test Histrionic personality test is the computerized version of the Deenz Histrionic Personality Scale (DHPS-20), designed to measure subclinical traits in the nonclinical population. It can also help determine whether or not you may be inclined towards histrionic personality disorder traits.
Schizotypal Personality Test Schizotypal Personality Test is the digital adaptation of Deenz Schizotypal Personality Scale (DSPS-27) designed to measure subclinical traits and access inclination toward pathological traits associated with Schizotypal Personality Disorder.
Autism Spectrum Test Autism Spectrum Test is the digital adaptation of the Deenz Autism Spectrum Profile Assessment Scale (DASPAS-45). This scale is designed to measure patterns of traits, behaviors, and characteristics associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Focusing on socialization, communication, sensory processing, flexibility, routine, repetition, sensitivity, anxiety, empathy, motor skills, attention, transition abilities, expression, and special interests.
Dissociative Identity Disorder Test (Multiple Personality) The self-assessment quiz is used to evaluate experiences related to dissociative identity and to measure tendencies toward pathological traits. Adapted from the Dissociative Identity Inventory (DII-28).
Psychopathy Spectrum Test Psychopath test is the digitally adapted version of the Deenz Psychopathy Spectrum Scale (DPSS), designed to measure subclinical traits associated with psychopathy.
Multidimensional Anger Test Multidimensional Anger Test is the digital adaptation of the Deenz Multidimensional Anger Scale (DMAS-27), designed to measure multifaceted anger levels by assessing various factors, expressions, and behaviors.
Cyclothymia Test Cyclothymia test is the 16 item questionnaire, designed to measure likelihood of manifestation of traits associated with cyclothymia.
Sociopath Test – Antisocial Personality Spectrum Test Sociopath test is the digital adaptation of Deenz Antisocial Personality Scale (DAPS-24), designed to measure subclinical traits associated with antisocial personality. Subclinical sociopathy traits are patterns of behaviors or tendencies that fall below the threshold for formal or clinical diagnosis.