Psychosis Test

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Basic information

Duration:5–8 minutes
Type:Self-Assessment Questionnaire
Publishing year:2024
Seminal paper:Deenz Psychotic Rating Scale (DPRS-45)


  • The Psychosis test is designed to measure the risk of psychosis by evaluating patterns of thought, perception, and behavior that may align with traits associated with the psychosis spectrum.
  • The screening tool is based on a five-point rating scale, where for each item, you are required to indicate your level of disagreement or agreement.
  • Deenz Psychotic Rating Scale (DPRS-45) screens for nine key facets: Hallucinations, Delusions, Disorganization, Catatonia, Apathy, Anhedonia, Paranoia, Alogia, Agitation. After completing the assessment, you will be presented with a level of score for each facet.


Deenz Psychotic Rating Scale (DPRS-45)

This screening tool is based on the Deenz Psychotic Rating Scale (DPRS-45), a preliminary version developed as part of research into the validity and reliability of its 45-item questionnaire. The tool is designed to measure the risk of psychosis among nonclinical populations. While a very high score on the DPRS-45 does not necessarily indicate a mental health condition, it may provide valuable insights into the psychosis spectrum.

Please note: Online screening tools are not diagnostic instruments. This psychosis test (online version of Deenz Psychotic Rating Scale) is not associated with any research, and no personal information is collected or used for research purposes.

Key Facets of Schizophrenia / Psychosis

1. Hallucinations:

When someone sees, hears, and feels things that are not real we call them hallucinations. These sensory experiences appear real but they are created by the mind. Hallucinations are considered key sign of psychosis and can make people feel confused and scared as these sensory experiences seem very real to them.

2. Delusions:

A strong belief, even if it is not true or without strong proof to support it, refers to Delusions. People with psychosis are often very sure about their beliefs even if there is no strong proof to support it. For example, a person might believe that someone is trying to hurt him, even when it’s not really happening.

3. Disorganization:

Sometimes we meet such people who talk in a way that does not make sense and they might jump from one idea to another. In psychiatry, this type of behavior is called disorganization and it is considered a hallmark symptom of schizophrenia.

4. Catatonia

Catatonia is when a person stays very still, becomes unresponsive to the environment, and does not move for a long time, sometimes they may move a lot and repeat the same action over and over. it is like feeling frozen and struck.

5. Apathy

Apathy is when someone lacks interest in doing or caring about things that might have used to be enjoyable. In simple terms, apathy means not caring about things or not feeling interested in anything. Feeling lazy is a normal part of life, but apathy is a temporary lack of motivation and lack of the desire to engage in activities, even if these activities might be enjoyable and important.

6. Anhedonia

Anhedonia is the inability to feel happy, diminished ability to feel pleasure in activities, and lack of enjoyment in things that are typically considered enjoyable.

7. Paranoia

Paranoia in simple terms is the intense, irrational suspicion or mistrust of others even if there is no evidence to support the claim. In other words, paranoia is when a person feels very scared or worried that others are out to harm them, even if it’s not true.

8. Alogia

Alogia is the inability to talk clearly. Saying very little when there is much more to say and sudden interruptions in speech. In schizophrenia, alogia can make a person seem very quiet or disconnected.

9. Agitation

Agitation means feeling very restless, upset, or on edge. Feeling unable to sit still and and unable to calm down. In schizophrenia, agitation might make someone act in a way that seems nervous or impatient.