The Kinsey scale test consists of six questions related to behavior and experiences. It provides options for responses in the form of 'Strongly Agree' and 'Strongly Disagree,' which are represented by thumbs up and thumbs down icons. If you strongly disagree with a statement, select the double thumbs down button, and if you strongly agree with a statement, select the double thumbs up button.
The rating scale ranges from 0 to 6 where 0 represents exclusively heterosexual behavior and 6 represents exclusively homosexual behavior.
The Kinsey Scale measures sexual orientation and ranges from 0 to 6, where 0 represents ‘Exclusively Heterosexual’ and 6 represents ‘Exclusively Homosexual’.0- Exclusively heterosexualIf you have got Exclusively heterosexual from the test then you are attracted towards people of the opposite sex. Your romantic and sexual attraction towards opposite sex is predominant and exclusive. This scale may also mean that you might have never thought about having a romantic relationship with the same gender.1 – Predominantly Heterosexual, Only Incidentally HomosexualIt means that you are primarily attracted to people of the opposite gender, but sometimes you may have thoughts or, in the past, you might have been attracted to individuals of the same sex. For example, a woman who has dated and been attracted to men; however, on very rare occasions, she might find herself briefly attracted to a woman.2 – Predominantly Heterosexual, but More Than Incidentally HomosexualThis level suggests that the individual has primary attraction towards the opposite gender and also experiences sexual attraction towards the same gender on a regular basis. For example, if you fall into this category, it indicates that your primary sexual attraction is towards the opposite sex, but you also experience attraction towards the same sex, which makes you both heterosexual and homosexual.3 – Equally Heterosexual and HomosexualA rating of equally heterosexual and homosexual on the Kinsey Scale indicates that you have experienced sexual attraction towards both the same sex and the opposite sex. For example, a person who has experienced deep emotional and sexual connections with individuals of both genders and doesn’t lean towards either the same or the opposite sex.4 – Predominantly Homosexual, but More Than Incidentally HeterosexualThis rating level indicates that the person is predominantly attracted to individuals of the same sex but also has attractions towards the opposite gender to some extent. For example, a man who is in romantic and sexual relationships with other men but occasionally feels the urge to pursue similar relationships with women falls under this category.5 – Predominantly Homosexual, Only Incidentally HeterosexualIf you have got this level in the Kinsey rating scale then your sexual attraction is predominantly towards the same sex but you are experiencing opposite sexual attraction on occasional basis which makes you incidentally heterosexual.6 – Exclusively HomosexualThis level indicates that the individual have pure and main romantic and sexual attraction towards same-sex and has no attraction towards the opposite sex.